Chancellor's Letter Regarding Non-Local Law Enforcement
Click here to read the letter from Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos.
Click here to read the letter from Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos.
Enjoy the break, and we'll see you back in school on Monday February 24!
Parents/families, please complete the annual NYC School Survey! Your opinions matter to us! Last year we had 50% participation, which is good for a high school, but we always want to be GREAT so we are aiming for at least 75%!
We sent home the green envelope with students, and you can also access the survey online by logging onto your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) or by clicking on this LINK. When a student returns a completed survey or a parent emails Ms. Ramirez a screenshot of the completed online survey, the student will receive a dress-down day. Additionally, the Advisory that returns all completed surveys will receive a special surprise!
For the safety of our students and our school communities, it’s important that New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) and school staff are able to contact a trusted guardian in the event there is an emergency at the school or concerning a student in attendance. Please be sure that Park East High School has the current address and contact information of a trusted adult who can come to school to retrieve your child in the event of an emergency. You can update your student's emergency contact and health information online through your New York City Schools Account (NYCSA). You may also provide this information via the blue emergency contact card which can be retrieved from the main office.
Please click here to learn about College Scholarships, from a list maintained by Department of Education's College + Career Office. For more information, visit the College Office under the Academics tab.
We've been awarded the AP Honor Roll Bronze Badge: 62% of last year's seniors took an AP exam at some point in their high school career, and 45% of last year's seniors earned college credit, scoring 3 or higher. Congrats to all of them and the teachers who helped them get there! Park East also received the AP Access Award for providing all students the chance to participate in AP, including students of underrepresented populations.
Our beautiful library is always open to book requests from the school community! Students, staff, and family members are welcome to submit suggestions by completing this form.
This week is national Banned Book Week! Did you know that thousands of books across the country are pulled from library and classroom shelves? Many of them represent LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC voices and experiences. Here at Park East we celebrate students' right to read. ALL of the top ten most challenged books are available in the library. Stop by and check one out!
The 2024-25 school year is here! Please click here to read Dr. Suzy Ort's official welcome letter.
Please take a COVID test before returning to school. As always we have tests, masks, and hand sanitizer at the door. if you are sick and need to be absent email
us at
Wear your uniform starting on Day #1. First window, new orders have arrived! We will also be selling vintage PE gear at the end of the day for cash
and carry. Stop by the gym after Day #1 grade level meetings or come back after lunch to pick yours up. If you want to still order, visit our Park East Webstore to place your order.
LUNCH FORMS - yup, these never go away and continue to be really important for our school. Please complete the Family Income Inquiry Form (formerly known as
School Meals Form) asap. All families are expected to complete this form yearly.
Bring your charged Chromebooks with you starting on Day #1 (and every day after that). We will be using our Chromebooks EVERY DAY. You can also bring your
cellphone to school but expect to place your phone away or in a phone sleeve in every classroom. Headphones should not be worn in school except at lunch or with explicit
permission from your teacher.
The mission of Park East High School is to equitably educate students of diverse cultural backgrounds and abilities to conduct research, solve complex problems, and clearly express ideas through discussion, writing, and presentation. Our vision is that graduates will actively engage as voters, jurors, and justice-minded participants in a democratic society.
Through intellectually challenging classes and our advisories, students develop agency, celebrate individual and social responsibility, and attain high personal and academic standards. Athletics, student-driven clubs, and school-wide traditions reflect our commitment to being an empathetic, inclusive, and fun-loving community, enabling students to pursue their aspirations for college and career.
Our community is guided by our core values, “Purpose, Preparation, and Pride,” which mirror and mold the mission of Park East High School.
Hello Park East!
Welcome to another exciting year of learning, personal growth, and civic engagement during a presidential election year.
As we kick off the new school year, I am particularly excited about our shared summer reading of They Called Us Enemy by George Takei, a powerful graphic novel about the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. For the first time, all members of our community – from faculty and staff to Chef Raj to our school safety agents to our incoming 9th graders – had an opportunity to engage in a shared experience. Over the course of the year we will return to the book’s themes of belonging, the dangers of “othering,” and the importance of holding onto your moral compass during stressful and confusing times. The goal here is to use the book as a backdrop for our thinking about the complexities of the world we live in and to celebrate the joys of reading. If you haven’t had a chance to read and enjoy it yet, there’s still time! Pick it up today and join the conversation.
This year I am proud to welcome two new teachers, 104 incoming 9th graders, and a record high of 22 transfer 10th grade students to our school community. We have grown to over 400 students this year. While many schools are facing low enrollment, Park East is back to our pre-pandemic numbers and is becoming increasingly more popular.
Here is a sampling of the exciting things we have been planning for the 2024-2025 year:
I genuinely look forward to collaborating with our faculty, staff, students, and families to continue to make Park East the best school in NYC. I LOVE talking to you and hearing your ideas, so please email me, come by my office for a chat, or join my Principal’s Advisory Council. Let’s have a great year, Park East!
Ever Better with Purpose, Preparation and Pride,
Dr Ort
periods 4-6 in the gym
Attention all students and families: in case of absence from school, please send an email to: Include the student's full name and grade level. There is no need to write to individual teachers or send messages on Jupiter.
To file a report, or if you need help getting support, you can request assistance by: